The Harvest Network

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In calling ourselves The Harvest Network, we chose to emphasize two things. 

First, Scripture tell us: "Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:35-38

So our name reminds us of our calling as workers in God's kingdom, entrusted with a duty to go out sharing the Gospel and making disciples of all peoples.

Second, we also are aware of our churches' unique placement - which is rural and semi-rural. So our name speaks to the reality our congregations live on a daily basis. Our Vision Statement speaks into this reality: "We believe God longs to see vibrant, thriving Rural Churches impacting the communities and contexts to which they are called in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ, and for His Kingdom, through Intentional Prayer, Bold Evangelism, Radical Discipleship, and Humble Service to bring Spiritual Revival to rural communities in North America."


In keeping with historic Reformed vision and theology, we seek to resist the modern fragmentation of church life and instead emphasize a vision of churches linked together and supporting one another in ministry and mission.

In the past such a collection of such cooperative churches were often called a "classis" (an ancient Latin word for a fleet of ships sailing together with a shared mission); which typically were formed because they all existed in the same region. The Alliance of Reformed Churches has renamed these groupings "networks" a term that is more readily understood today.

Here is how we articulate our vision for our life together, in our Mission Statement: "Strengthening rural churches for effective Kingdom-focused ministry and mission through Fellowship, Mutual Accountability, Active Equipping, and Intentional Prayer."

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Why your church may want to join the Harvest Network?

If your church is in a rural or semi-rural context, joining together with other churches in similar settings for the sake of encouraging and strengthening one another for ministry and mission in a non-urban context, is vital. We seek to be that support to one another, and we would love to come alongside your church as we together seek to further God's Kingdom, exactly where he has placed us.

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Our Network currently has churches in Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, and New York.

Our Leadership

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Jonathan VanderWall

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Gary Jarvis

Copyright © 2023 Harvest Church Network - All Rights Reserved.

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